
September 12, 2022: IDSL.IPA >=2.2 is able to calculate correlation of aligned peak heights to detect related peaks using Pearson correlation coefficients. These correlation results are stored as `correlationListHeight.Rdata` in an R list format. Each (m/z-RT) on the aligned table is presented with its correlating peaks and data are properly labeled for further calculations.

June 26, 2022
: We revised the isotopologue pairing module of IPA majorly after the version 1.8; and therefore the generated results are not consistent with the previous versions. PARAM0012 also has changed its functionality and allow users to decide the mass difference between the isotopologues. This feature allows to screen for C, Cl, Br, S, Se, ... isotopologues or any constant mass difference. Furthermore, negative values are also allowed for this parameter to search for lower mass isotopologues.

March 22, 2022: After the version 1.4, Gaussianity of the chromatographic peaks are calculated using the Pearson correlation coefficient instead of Kolmogorov–Smirnov test.