Please follow these instructions to prepare the input data for IDSL.IPA analysis.

  1. IDSL.IPA pipeline requires that only MS1 data from one type of analysis such as "RP_NEG" OR "HILIC_POS" are provided in the input directory folder.

  2. Any directory names in the path must not have spaces ( ) or decimal (.) symbol.

  3. For selecting the files for RT correction in PARAM0030, select samples that were analyzed consecutively.

User can provide values for IDSL.IPA parameters in this from and click on "generate files" to create the excel template file and the RScript to run the pipeline.


  1. Downloaded files (R-script and the XLSX) into a folder and feed them into the IPA_Workflow("your file address") module.

  2. Please also check if your browser is not blocking the downloading of multiple files simultaneously.